" (Fast Action) Submit Your Complaint Online "

  • CA Advocate CS
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File your case in consumer court/forum with the help of Caadvocatecs.com

Consumer Protection Act, 2019 (Updated)

In the year 2019, the Consumer Protection Bill was introduced in the Lok Sabha which eventually replaced the existing Consumer Protection Bill of 1986. In the said bill, they have defined the Customer Rights and they include the following:

·         All those goods and products which are harmful to the life of an individual are not allowed to be marketed.

·         They are allowed to have all the information with respect to the quality, purity, price, quantity as well as the standard of the goods and services.

·         They can have access to various kinds of products as well as services at competitive costs.

·         They are entitled to reimbursement in case of any unfair or fraudulent trade practices take place.

Compensation and Penalties as per the Consumer Protection Bill, 2019

1.      Penalties for misleading advertisement

In case of any misleading advertisement or false advertisements, the CCPA has the right to put a penalty up to an amount of Rs. 10 Lakhs as well as imprisonment up to two years. They can even increase the fine and imprisonment term up to Rs. 50 lakhs and five years respectively depending up on the facts of the case.

2.      Right to file Complaint from anywhere

The place of filing the offense does not matter. The consumer has the right to file the complaint from anyplace in the Country be it his office or home etc.

3.      Right to seek compensation under the product liability

The consumer has the right to file a complaint and ask for compensation in case he suffers any sort of loss due to a defective product. The complaint can be filed against the manufacturer or the service provider. If the manufacturer or the seller fails to express the warranty of the product they can be held liable as per the bill.

Our Advantage

1.      It is time saving process. Since you have the option of filing the complaint through an online process you can save a lot of time.

2.      You are free to use any device for filing the complaint, be it your mobile phone or your laptop.

3.      Our Consumer Complaint experts will guide you and provide you advice on your matter.

4.      You also have an option to send legal notice to the accused.

5.      It is your right to claim compensation for the loss you have suffered.

How we work?

STEP 1: The first and foremost step is to file the forms and make the appropriate payment.

STEP 2: Our legal team will then contact you to understand your problem better.

STEP 3: Our Legal team will then analyse your case.

STEP 4: We will send a notice to the accused company on your behalf.

STEP 5: We will file the case in the Consumer Court (In Person)

STEP 6: Until and unless you get justice we will fight your case.


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CA Advocate CS

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Member Since : 15 Oct 2020 | Total Articles Contributed: 64
About :One-stop solution for all your company’s legal formalities. CA Advocate CS form a formidable team to secure your organization from all types of legal implications.We are a team of legal professionals who support all the organisations of India right from registering the firm until filing the Income Tax.
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