When you have finally found your found the place which you want or a person who wants to have your property, then you must get a formal property registration papers. This document is extremely important for both the buyer and the seller as there is a huge amount of money which is generally involved in this pROCess. Thus having a property registration, would allow you to cover all important aspects which you must have been looking such as the terms and conditions on which the sale would take place, the date of execution, etc. After the agreement has been made, signed and executed, it then needs to be stamped along with the duty fees. This is the whole pROCess of property registration.
Documents and Information for Property Registration
For the registration of property, the following documents and the information has to be furnished:
A Duty stamped, signed and executed document.
The applicant of the sale document has to sign the sale deed as well as must appear in front of the registering officer for registration of the same
Patta transfer application along with the court fee
PAN Card/Number
Patta passbook
ID card for both the executants and the claimant
ID card for witnesses
PROCedure for Property Registration
With our services, the pROCess is extremely simple and easy to understand.
We Connect To Lawyers- We assign you experts for the respective job who would look after everything and would inform you all the necessities. They would estimate the value of the property and then calculate the Stamp Duty which has to be made. It is the duty of their’s to make an appointment at the registrar’s office.
Registration- On the date of appointment you would be accomPANied by our lawyers for the completion of the Registration of the Sale Deed at the office of the Registrar/Sub Registrar’s office. They would also collect the necessary registered documents from the Registrar’s office.