GST Means Good and Simple Tax , so its affordable also with


There is an Official Refund PROCess under the GST: An Application form to claim a refund can be filed through the GSTN portal. An acknowledgement number will be given to the applicant by the means of SMS or email when the application is filed electronically


Delay in Refund and its PROCess


Subramanian committee recommended alongside the described GST legal guidelines and guidelines, that the refund software must be entertained in the period of ninety days and have to be pROCessed in the equal time period. If anyways the utility could not be pROCessed in the given time framework, there's a 6 percentage of interest advocated alongside the refund amount.


It turned into additionally mentioned by means of the Nirmala Sitharaman (finance minister) who cleared that the refund technique can be done in the length of seven days and if the manner receives past due for greater than 2 weeks then the refund might be supplied at the side of the hobby.


It is speculated that the pROCedure of refund application may be rapid and clean because of its virtual dependability. Also, the information might be uploaded electronically which depicts that the verification and the certain analysis of the refund application will be brief.

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FAQ - Frequently asked questions

What in case if taxpayer miss shipping and invoice bill in a month, can he add the details in subsequent month and get a refund?

Yes, a taxpayer can add the details in subsequent month and can get the refund.

Does GSTR 2 and GSTR 3 needs to be filed for claiming refunds?

If the taxpayers have filed GSTR 1 and GSTR 3B than he doesn’t need to fill other forms to claim refunds.

Is the taxpayer eligible to claim refunds on IGST paid on exports of goods if he has filed GSTR 3B?

Yes, the taxpayer is eligible to get the refunds to claim if he has provided the details of export goods details in GSTR 1 Table 6A and has filed GSTR 3B with relevant tax details.