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Sometimes when you want to set up a business empire of your own you may face the tedious challenge of coming up with a Company/LLP name. A Company/LLP name is indeed an important aspect for a Company/LLP’s identity. Just like it is necessary to have a unique name for yourself, the same is with that of the matter of the Company. A unique Company/LLP name helps you to identify and distinguish your products or services with the rest of the others. 


If any person seeks for a reservation of a proposed Company or wants to change an existing Company then they should apply for this reservation through the RUN service. The RUN service stands for Reserve Unique Name and allows the applicant to get a suitable name approved for a Company. The service’s application is then pROCessed by the CRC or the Central Registration Centre. Now there is no requirement for Form 1. 


The registration pROCess of RUN

For registration purposes, these are the documents which are required:

An MCA account

A registered CIN or the Corporate Identification Number 

The new name is to be proposed. 

Relevant documents which are required for the proposed name


Talking of the rules and regulations which governs the RUN form are as follows:

The name which is to be held must be unique and identical and must not be taken any of the other organisations under the ComPANies Act.

The name should not have any offence under any law 

It should not be undesirable in the opinion of the Central Government.  

The name of the Company must not have any word or expression which leads to the conclusion that it is connected to any central or state government body unless it is actually approved by the govt. Bodies.


The validity of the Company name 

After the name has been approved by the MCA, then the name can be reserved by the LLP for a tenure of 90 days from the date of issuance. 


Registration Charges of RUN Web Form

Of the registration charges, a nominal fees of Rs. 500 is to be paid while applying for the Company title. While applying for the title one thing which has to be kept in mind is that two names can be given in preference order, for the reservation. Moreover, if the MCA rejects the names, then another chance can be providing the names. 

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FAQ - Frequently asked questions

What is run LLP?

Reservation of Name through RUN-LLP {Reserve Unique Name–Limited Liability Partnership}: RUN-LLP is not any e-form, It is a web service for reserving the name for a new LLP or for change of name of any existing LLP

How do I submit a run form?

Process Post Submission 1. SRN Generation: Upon successful submission of the proposed name in the RUN form, an SRN will be generated. ... 2. Challan Generation: ... 3. Email: ... 4. Approval / Rejection Letter: ... 5. Resubmission of the e-form: ... 6. Fee rules:

When should we file Form 4 of LLP?

In such a case details of all the three changes can be filed through the same Form 4 only if the Form is filed on or before 1st May, as all the events fall within 30 days. However, if the LLP files the Form 4 on 10th of May, then details in a separate Form would be required to be filed in respect of Partner A.

How can I check the status of my run form?

Steps to Check Company Registration Status  1. Step 1: Go to the MCA website. 2. Step 2: Go to 'MCA Services' tab. In the drop-down click on 'View Company/LLP Master Data'. 3. Step 3: Enter the companies CIN. Enter the captcha code. Click on 'Submit'

How much time does it take for LLP?

15 - 20 working days

Is GST applicable for LLP?

The Central Government recently notified that the Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) registered under the 2008 Act must be considered as a partnership firm or Firm under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) regime. ... It therefore exhibits elements of partnerships and corporations

How do you reserve a business name?

Process to reserve company name 1. Login to MCA portal. The name application can be filed only by a registered user of MCA. ... 2. Documentation. It is not mandatory to attach any document along with the application to reserve company name. ... 3. Filing of web-based application. ... 4. Payment of government fees. ... 5. Approval or resubmission of name.