Searching for a trademark isn't the least bit a simple task, for there are many brands which are launched a day. These trademarks are one in all the prerequisites before you truly would want to supply your products or services, for this trademark allows you to shield your creations.
A trademark is a type of intellectual property, which consists of a recognizable sign, design, or expression. It is a characteristic brand representation tool which tells the people that a particular product is from this particular Company. Trademarks in India are registered by the Controller General Of Patents, Designs and Trademarks and Ministry Of Industry and Commerce, Government Of India. The Trademark Act, 1999, allows you to register the trademark under this act and also allows you to sue anyone who tries to use your trademark.
Thus we help you to search for a trademark suitable to your Company. With more than lacs and lacs of trademarks which are registered we help you select your unique identity after thorough research of the market and all the necessary sites. The search pROCess includes all the classes which are registered in the Indian Subcontinent. We use tools which are specially created for this purpose, and deliver you the best of the services. The pROCess of selection of trademark also depends on the nature of the products or services which your brand provides.
Unlike older times, the preliminary searches are too outdated and the requirement of the present world has given rise to a comprehensive trademark search. This type of search is always considered better for it allows a wider scope of the search. Thus having large database access, we try and provide the best possible suggestion for you regarding the same. Also above all, we are able to provide you with the best of the legal advice, regarding the registration pROCesses as well as the concerns which you might face while registering